
1. What courses or programs do you have? Can I do it online, in the U.S., or another place?

Pre-Medicine and Medicine are currently the only courses we offer; they鈥檙e not available online.
Students at CMU are prepared to graduate as international/foreign medical doctors, with a Medical Doctor (MD) degree, and practice medicine particularly in the United States (U.S.), but not limited to as we have students also in CA, UK, and more. We follow the U.S. medical school curriculum.

The Pre-Med program is completed in Cura莽ao
Medical Program 鈥 Basic Science: in Cura莽ao
Clinical Science: primarily in the U.S

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2. How many intakes or enrollment terms/trimesters is available at CMU? How long is a trimester?

There are three (3) starting terms per year: Spring in January, Summer in May, and Fall in September.
A trimester for Pre-med and Basic Science is about four months or 16 weeks. For Clinical Science, each trimester is three months or 12 weeks.

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3. What do prerequisites mean and what are they?

Prerequisite(s) are specific courses that must be taken prior to entering a specific degree program regardless of any type of degree; it鈥檚 a precondition or prequalification for the program. They are established by State Medical Boards and required for licensure. For students to graduate, schools need to specify all courses the student completed. Residency programs will look through your whole medical education history. When applying for a license, they will look at your whole medical education including Pre-Medical education.

If you want to get a degree in education, for example, the school may require you to have specific courses before you are admitted to it if you do not have them. The same applies to medicine. Our requirements are similar to the ones from top medical schools in the U.S.

The prerequisites required to enter CMU鈥檚 medical program are:


  • One year of Biology or Zoology聽
  • One year of General Chemistry聽
  • One year of Organic Chemistry聽
  • One year of General Physics聽
  • One semester of Math: Calculus, Computer Science, or Statistics聽
  • One semester of English聽


One year = two semesters or two courses of each subject

Science courses must be taken with lab

The courses listed above are undergraduate level only. Thus, if you completed similar courses through high/secondary school, they don鈥檛 count toward these prerequisites.For full information on admission requirements for both pre-med and medical programs, please visit the Admission鈥檚 page and select Requirements.

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4. I have a Bachelor鈥檚 degree in science. Can I go into medicine without premed?

The major of your degree is not as important as having all undergraduate prerequisites and credit hours required. So, if you have a Bachelor鈥檚 in general arts or a PhD in Business or Physics, and now you want to study medicine, you can enter the program directly if you have all prerequisites completed.

If not, you have to complete the missing subjects/prerequisites before entering the program through a local accredited program or our Pre-Med program.

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5. What is Pre-Medical or Pre-Med (PM)? Do I have to do it?

In the U.S., the students who want to go into medicine start with pre-medicine or pre-med (PM) in which they take all undergraduate prerequisites, courses required prior to entering medicine. Thus, the term PRE used indicates BEFORE.

Universities in other countries may not use the Pre-Med & Medicine terms separately as in the U.S., but the Pre-Med courses are normally taught during the first year(s) of any medical program. So, out of a 5-6 year medical program in your country, the first year or two are equivalent to Pre-Med in the U.S.

  • If you only graduated High/Secondary School, you need to start through Pre-Med to complete at least 90 undergraduate credit hours and all prerequisites for medicine.聽
  • If you have only a few undergraduate course (college/university credits) completed after high/secondary school, some of those may transfer over if they鈥檙e from an accredited school and are part of the prerequisites needed. You enter Pre-Med only to complete the courses that are missing and make sure you earn at least 90 undergraduate credit hours if you don鈥檛 have a bachelor鈥檚 degree.

It is important is that you find out what the school you want to apply to requires.

Thus, even if you may not want to practice medicine in the U.S., to apply to schools that follow the U.S. curriculum, you will still need to meet the requirements of the school you want to apply to in order to get into their program.

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6. How long is Pre-Med?

The full program is 3 trimesters or one (1) year (PM1 鈥 PM3)

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7. How long is the whole program? How many trimesters?

It is about five (5) years from pre-med, 14 trimesters. Without pre-med, it is about four (4) years, 11 trimesters.

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8. How is the program divided? How long do I stay on the Island, in Cura莽ao?

Pre-Medicine (PM1 鈥 PM3) 鈥 3 trimesters or one (1) year

Basic science (MD1 鈥 MD5) 鈥 5 trimesters or about 2 years
Clinical science (MD6 鈥 MD11) 鈥 6 trimesters (total of 72 weeks of clinical rotations) or about 2 years

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9. I have a nursing/chiropractic/PT鈥 degree and have practiced for over 10 years. Which semester will I enter? Can my credits transfer over since I took all courses for basic sciences already?

You can enter the first semester of the medical program, in basic sciences (MD1), if you also have all prerequisites completed.

We cannot accept the credits from your program toward medicine because the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) establishes the criteria for transfer of credits: transfer of credits must be from an accredited M.D. or D.O. program only.
We also cannot accept experience as credits toward the pre-medical or medical programs.

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10. I completed advanced classes, A-levels, O-levels, or IB and already have all those classes from Pre-Med. Can I enter the medical program directly?

Unfortunately, no. Transfer of credits toward the Pre-Med program must be from credits taken at an accredited program at a college/university after graduating High/Secondary school. The credits you have are equivalent to High/Secondary school credits in the U.S. and cannot be accepted toward the pre-medical program. The pre-med courses or prerequisites must be undergraduate level only.

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11. What is GPA? I have transcripts from a school outside the U.S. and Canada. Are they accepted?

GPA stands for Grade Point Average and the U.S. GPA scale is 0.0 鈥 4.0.
All academic transcripts from schools outside the U.S. or Canada must be sent for evaluation to obtain the U.S. equivalence and GPA and information on the school attended. You may contact one of the companies we accept for pricing and information on what to do to get the evaluation.

  • High/Secondary school transcripts: you may request a general evaluation and GPA
  • College/University transcripts: you need to request a course-by-course evaluation and GPA
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12. What documents are required? Where do I send admission documents?

Once you fill out and submit an application for admission, please send the following:

  • Photo (type used for passports)
  • Personal essay/statement 鈥 up to 750 words about your interest in medicine and any relevant experience
  • Two (2) official letters of recommendation (at least one by a professor) 鈥 letterhead, signed, and or stamped 鈥 Official transcripts from U.S./CA schools 鈥 request one from each school attended and sent directly from the school(s) to CMU. Official transcripts from schools outside the U.S./CA 鈥 an evaluation is required.
  • TOEFL/IELTS if applicable

Please visit our Admission Requirements page on our site for full requirements or contact the Department of Admission.

Admission documents such as official transcripts, evaluations, letters of recommendation, etc. must be sent to:

Caribbean 管家婆王中王六肖中特
Attn: Department of Admission
5600 North River Road Suite 800
Des Plaines, IL 60018

Note: All documents forwarded to CMU Admission鈥檚 office become property of Caribbean 管家婆王中王六肖中特

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13. My son/daughter is studying 12th class in a school outside the U.S./CA and I would like to seek for MBBS/MD admission for him/her in your University.

If your son/daughter is finishing High/Secondary School, he/she can apply for the 5-year MD program starting with Pre-med. He/she will attend the program in Cura莽ao. Then, submit all admission documents required.

Also, please visit our main page, then select Admissions, and Submittals Checklist or contact the Admission Department for details.

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14. I don鈥檛 have a 2.8 GPA; can I still apply? Will I be rejected?

Although a GPA of 2.8 is required, it is not the only decisive factor on your application. If you have a GPA lower than the required, you should request strong official letters of recommendation from professors in particular to strengthen your application 鈥 Please see Question #20 above.

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15. How long does it take for me to hear back if I鈥檓 accepted or not?

Once all documents for admission are received, the application and documents will be reviewed and we will notify you by email if you鈥檙e accepted within two weeks. If you are not accepted, we will notify you with a letter explaining the reason.

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16. What鈥檚 enrollment?

Enrollment is when an applicant is accepted by a school, and the applicant accepts the offer of admission.
At CMU, it means signing an acceptance form and sending it to the Admissions Department, as well as submitting a payment toward the first invoice of USD $1,000.00 as an enrollment reservation fee/seat deposit. This allows the school to set the applicant as a student, reserve a seat in the classroom for the term accepted, allows the Student Housing Dept. to reserve a room if the student will be in school dorms, for the school to assist with immigration documents, and more.

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